As stagnant as life can feel, you are not unworthy of love and respect, from yourself or others. 

Although things might feel repetitive, and life might not be as fruitful as promised, your journey has every universal power routing for it. The fact you exist in any sense is self fulfilling:

Evolutionary, you have 4 billion years of organisms, all scrounging to survive, that you are derived from. 

On a cosmic sense, you are derived from the birth of the first stars and the universe itself. 

From a spiritual perspective, you are the embodiment of all the destruction, survival and trauma the universe has endured. It is now your turn, at this exact point in time to learn and grow with it. 

At times, we are all convinced that existence is without meaning. But if we are to entertain the alternative, even for a second, every moment is eternally meaningful, in every sense. The present is always new and willing you to do as you please, coercing you toward enlightenment. 

When the fabric of reality, from atoms, minerals, organism, to the soul of the universe, work together, in symbiosis, in oneness, in love, a present is created in which infinite variables have willed into existence. 

You are worthy, you are essential to the growth of the human race and you quite literally mean the world, to the cosmos and every single one of us. 

We might feel unsatisfied, however, one of the only things we are promised in this life is that we must share this short stretch of time with one another & what a pleasure it is to do so.

Today you are who you were today and tomorrow you will be who you are tomorrow. Nothing is stationary. There is always the possibility of redemption. No one is exempt. You are always growing, you are always moving forward. 

We are greater than the sum of our parts.

It’s a miracle we ever met.

The collective will prosper.

- Crusade London